Samatha's Story

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

DD's Story The Wreck

Hubby finally got his license in January of '09 and we bought a car. It was our first car. It was a '9something (lol)Blue Oldsmobile, Achieva. We only paid $1,000.00 for it and we were so proud to finally be able to get places, including school without my Mom. One afternoon, on the weekend, I asked Jessie if we could drive to Wal Mart because I wanted a new par of tights to go with the brand new skirts I had bought. (I was so proud to be back to be back to my size, well, smaller, so I bought some new skirts that were on sale while I was out with my friend one day. Of course he said yes, so we loaded up and got ready to go. When we pulled out of the apartments, the tires slid. We knew we needed new tires, but we figured it just did that because it was raining outside. But not far down the road, we started sliding again and all I hear is Jessie scream, "HOLD ON!" and I didn't hear anything after that until we hit the ground and Sami started screaming. Jessie was under water and he couldn't get out of the car. When he finally did, he came around to our side, which wasn't under water. And by then the ambulance was on its way and people had jumped out of their cars to help. Samantha was only 5 months and she was hanging upside down so of course we were freaking out, so Jessie punched a whole through the window so he could reach in and open the door to get her. As soon as he lifted her out and she wasn't upside down, she was fine, laughing actually. She had a little cut on her head, not sure what from, but she wasn't really bleeding. After I got out of the car, I ran to get Sami from the lady that was holding her and so did Jessie. They offered to let us all go to the hospital, so we sent Samantha and since Jessie was all cut up, we figured he should go too. But I didn't want to so I rode in the front. (I hate hospitals and I didn't have any insurance so I didn't go.) The only thing that was wrong was I had a bruise on my ear and whiplash. They separated Jessie and Samantha in the hospital because he was 18 and couldn't go to the children's area. So I stayed with her. They told me not to let her eat, so I didn't. Although she was screaming her head off because she hadn't ate in hours and I didn't have a paci because it was lost in the wreck. After about an hour of sitting and hearing her cry, I asked it I could feed her and they said yes. And then released us. They didn't even come in to check on her, so I assumed they just wanted her there in case something happened. The report they sent me home with just mentioned that she had a small abrasion on her head, barely noticeable. (I didn't know until almost a year later, they were supposed to run a CAT scan on her after a wreck like that. And that is why they didn't want her to eat. But they never did run one.)

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