Samatha's Story

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

DD's Story Early Months

As we raised Samantha, we did what we thought was best for her as any parent would. She was in the Parents As Teachers Program so I was taught all the "right ways" to do things. She told me about how important Tummy Time was. She even gave me few toys and ideas on how to keep her from crying when she was on her tummy. So everyday, we sat aside tummy time. I never wanted her to get behind so everything we did had to focus on some area of development. I would tell myself in my head what we were working on. When Daddy and I would play with her, I would say, "Okay, this is Mommy and Daddy time. She is strengthening her social/emotional development."
For her three month check up, we took her in and a nurse asked the simple question, "Is she rolling yet?" I blushed (I was sort of embarassed. I thought-"She should be by now. That is what everyone says...") Then I replied, "No...Is that bad?" She just laughed, obviously used to new parents as she said, "No. That is fine. You don't REALLY have to worry unless she isn't rolling by six months." Which I relieved me because I KNEW she would be rolling by then.

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